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- 家事法庭办事处
- 佛罗里达州的家庭法庭
- 家事法庭工具箱
这个工具包包含了佛罗里达州家事法庭的基本信息. It includes: a timeline of significant family court events; a listing of case types that comprise Florida’s family court; guiding principles; descriptions of the ten core components; information about the one family/ one judge model and noted benefits of the model; filings trends; process maps for dependency, 犯罪, 解除婚姻关系, and domestic violence injunction cases; and links to additional resources.
该工具包包含引人注目的信息, 根植于科学, 哪些有助于根据发育里程碑和创伤的影响来确定儿童的需求.
这个工具包包含了比较频繁的, 困难, 在协调涉及一个家庭的多起案件时可能会出现有趣的法律问题.